My Projects
Solar System Simulation
A 3D model of the solar system made with svelte and three.js to promote science education. The simulator provides accurate relative positions of the planets along with their orientation and rotational speeds.

A device designed to alert drivers to avoid vehicle-wildlife-collision in low visibility conditions. Utilizing an infrared camera, a video camera, a raspberrypi, an led array, and object detection, tracking and classification algorithms the user is alerted of upcoming obstacles and further information on the avoided collisions is recorded to the user's mobile device to inform future safe driving decisions. More update to come!

Sales Campaign - Data Science Project
A predictive models created to maximize sales of future products to existing customer using mock data. The project includes data cleaning, preprocessing, visualization and exploration, modelling and model evaluation. This project was completed as part of the Brain Station Data Science Bootcamp.
Mobile Accelerometer Data Processing
A script captures, displays and analyzes acceleration and orientation data to estimate the phone velocity and postion. Developed using a linux terminal emulator, Termux and termux-api to access system devices.
RebBird - Terminal Chess Engine
A C++ program that plays chess with the user via the terminal. First exposure to graph traversal algorithms and memory complexity.
My personal portfolio website made with React and Next.js containerized with docker and deployed to AWS